Wednesday 18 January 2012

Ojon Revitalizing 2-min Hair Mask - Review

If you read my post about The Body Shop face mask you may have detected that I generally disregard beauty routines that eat into my precious (Gollum reference, heh) time. Unless of course it will transform my body into that of a Victoria's Secret model, or give me the cheekbones of someone with er, good cheekbones. Actually, what even constitutes good cheekbones? Is there a check-list? Where can I get one? 

Anyway the point is that I don't like wasting time. I want instant results. Demanding? Me? Where'd you get crazy idea from? So thank the sweet heavens for Ojon's Revitalizing 2-min hair mask. TWO MINUTES!!!! That's 120 seconds! I did that sum in my head, that's how little time that is! And holy moly this stuff is the bizzzzz nizzzzzz. Seriously. I cannot shout enough about Ojon products. I use their shampoos, conditioners, hair masks and styling products. I also abuse my hair with every torture device styling contraption and shade of blonde hair dye known to humanity on a regular basis. Theoretically I should be bald and cursing the day GHD's were born, but this stuff has saved me from such a state. Even the beauty god that is Sali Hughes is a fan, and quite frankly that would be enough for me anyway.

Unfortunately this particular mask is no longer available, but I'm pretty sure that the very similarly named dry recovery intensive hydrating 2-min hair mask  is a safe best for the same results. One more thing: this smells awesomely good, so much so that my one of my friends refused to stop hugging me recently because they caught a whiff of this on my hair. Freaky, yet strangely flattering. 

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