Sunday 8 January 2012

Make Up For Ever Waterproof Eyebrow Corrector - Review

First things first for UK readers: Make Up For Ever is notoriously difficult to get hold of in Britain. No department stores or high street chemists stock it (I'm talking to you Boots/Debenhams/House of Fraser etc, seriously missing a trick with this brand). You can however order it online here, but without swatching first you do so at your own risk.

Luckily, my sister took visited the USA soon after I saw the lovely Lisa Eldridge use the product in this video, so I was able to get my mitts on it whilst *gulp* trusting her to choose the correct colour for me (which FYO is the lightest shade No. 0, light taupe brown, if you are a fellow blonde then this is the one for you). 

No biggie, but this is my Holy Grail eyebrow product. Uh huh, I said it. Okay, so the price point may be above average but y'see that tube pictured above? Well, I have had that for about 18 months and it is still going strong, and that is with application almost every day. So with cost per use the price actually isn't that shocking after all.

The texture of this is almost a hybrid between a cream and a gel, and you need the teeniest tiniest amount to cover both brows. Even better is the fact that this stuff can be adjusted to whatever kind of makeup look you are aiming for. In the Lisa Eldridge video she is fairly heavy handed with her application which is appropriate for the retro looking brow she is aiming for. For day to day wear however I prefer a more natural look, and tend to follow my natural arch to create a tidier and more defined version of what is there already.

I use a MAC 266 brush for application, but any small angled brush should do the job just fine. I’m not going to pretend that first application went without any glitches; being used to pencils and powder the initial results were more resonant of Charlie Chaplin than anything resembling brows of glory. However, it’s true when they say that practise makes perfect, and it was just a matter of adjusting to the foreign consistency.


As for it being waterproof? To be honest I always  take any claims for cosmetics being impervious to H20 with a large pinch of salt. Products can be durable and long lasting indeed, but scientific wonders that totally repel water? Not so sure... Having said that, this is most definitely sweat proof and my eyebrows are still in their rightful place above my eyes rather than running down either side of them after a visit to the gym or in hot/humid conditions. All in all one of my favourite makeup staples that I will be buying over and over til the proverbial cows come home. Or until something better comes along and tempts me to stray. Me? Fickle? Never...

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