Thursday 5 January 2012

Nice to meet you to meet you nice

Ah, the first blog-post dilemma. Do I swagger right in without any introductory babble or do the obligatory ‘this is who I am and this is what this blog is’ rigmarole? I guess the fact that I have even bothered to type out that question places me firmly in the latter camp…nonconformity is evidently not my middle name.  Right, on with the show shall we?

I have been meaning to start a beauty related blog since, oh, I don’t know, forever (hyperbole on the other hand is definitely my middle name). I am, quite frankly, obsessed with all things related to makeup, skin care, hair care, fitness and health. OBSESSED I tell you! Unfortunately the last two on that condensed list are at the bottom of my pile of priorities but hey, you can’t blame a girl for trying right? So, it is here in my own little virtual patch of blog-land that I intend to bore/inspire/thrill/tire (cross off as appropriate) anyone who drops by with my thoughts, reviews and general blathering about those topics.

Oh, and I am a 22 year old English Literature graduate living in London. That will suffice for the ‘this is who I am’ bit for now methinks. Also, I am by no means an expert on anything I write about. I just like playing around with words almost as much as I like playing around with lotions and potions so this seemed like a logical step to take.

PHEW. Glad that’s out of the way, it’s only onwards and upwards from here my friends. Until next time…

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