Thursday 9 February 2012

MAC Ruby Woo: Grown-up Lips

No self-respecting adult of the female variety should be without their perfect scarlet companion. That's a fact right there. Sure, getting a job and paying your bills on time ranks pretty high on the maturity scale, but finding your favourite red lipstick is a far more enjoyable pursuit. My choice in this particular area of cosmetics is, like many a make-up devotee, MAC's Ruby Woo. It is safe to say that this hugely popular shade has acquired classic status. As a blue-based red it is particularly suited to albino pale ladies like myself with cool undertones in their skin. More to the point, this is a "proper" lipstick in the sense that the pigment payoff is incredibly good and long-lasting. I am 100% an all or nothing girl when it comes to lip colours, and this definitely falls into the former category.

I didn't feel quite right posting without a picture of the product in question in all it's crimson glory. However, I am currently sat sans maquillage with my hair in a towel and cup of tea beside me so I have opted for one taken of me wearing it on a night out instead: 

FYI this is me with fake tan on, at the moment my skin is about 3 shades lighter.  Eurgh, winter.

MAC Ruby Woo is £13.50 from . Grow up and get yourself a tube.

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