Wednesday 29 February 2012

L'Oréal Color Infallible Eyeshadow - Time Resist White

If you are looking for a drugstore eyeshadow that really performs in terms of longevity and pigmentation then look no further. The colour pay-off with these L'Oréal babies is outstanding, made even more impressive by the very reasonable price of £6.99.

As you may be able to see in the photo below the texture is neither powder nor cream but a hybrid of the two. This makes the application process a complete breeze as there is no fallout, with the soft texture lending itself to effortless blending even for complete novices. Consequently, these would be perfect for those who like to keep their makeup regime as faff-free as possible. Whereas I could happily wile away a good 45 mins using a stupid amount of products to create a smoky eye, I am aware that people with far more sanity and much less time on their hands would prefer a far less complicated approach. Each to their own right?

I use the lighest shade in 'Time Resist White' pretty much on a daily basis. This colour is especially good for dabbing onto the inner corners of the eyelids and blending towards the middle for a wide-eyed look. I can also 100% confirm that if you apply these with a damp brush the colour will.not.budge.whatsoever. I have awoken on several Saturday mornings with this being one of the few products still perfectly intact on my dishevelled and distinctly uncleansed face. That is quite an achievement.

Anyway, here is a quick example of the product in action. Here I applied it all over my eyelid in an attempt at a 60's-esque look. I will let you be the judge of how successful that endeavour was...

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