Wednesday 29 February 2012

L'Oréal Color Infallible Eyeshadow - Time Resist White

If you are looking for a drugstore eyeshadow that really performs in terms of longevity and pigmentation then look no further. The colour pay-off with these L'Oréal babies is outstanding, made even more impressive by the very reasonable price of £6.99.

As you may be able to see in the photo below the texture is neither powder nor cream but a hybrid of the two. This makes the application process a complete breeze as there is no fallout, with the soft texture lending itself to effortless blending even for complete novices. Consequently, these would be perfect for those who like to keep their makeup regime as faff-free as possible. Whereas I could happily wile away a good 45 mins using a stupid amount of products to create a smoky eye, I am aware that people with far more sanity and much less time on their hands would prefer a far less complicated approach. Each to their own right?

I use the lighest shade in 'Time Resist White' pretty much on a daily basis. This colour is especially good for dabbing onto the inner corners of the eyelids and blending towards the middle for a wide-eyed look. I can also 100% confirm that if you apply these with a damp brush the colour will.not.budge.whatsoever. I have awoken on several Saturday mornings with this being one of the few products still perfectly intact on my dishevelled and distinctly uncleansed face. That is quite an achievement.

Anyway, here is a quick example of the product in action. Here I applied it all over my eyelid in an attempt at a 60's-esque look. I will let you be the judge of how successful that endeavour was...

Thursday 9 February 2012

MAC Ruby Woo: Grown-up Lips

No self-respecting adult of the female variety should be without their perfect scarlet companion. That's a fact right there. Sure, getting a job and paying your bills on time ranks pretty high on the maturity scale, but finding your favourite red lipstick is a far more enjoyable pursuit. My choice in this particular area of cosmetics is, like many a make-up devotee, MAC's Ruby Woo. It is safe to say that this hugely popular shade has acquired classic status. As a blue-based red it is particularly suited to albino pale ladies like myself with cool undertones in their skin. More to the point, this is a "proper" lipstick in the sense that the pigment payoff is incredibly good and long-lasting. I am 100% an all or nothing girl when it comes to lip colours, and this definitely falls into the former category.

I didn't feel quite right posting without a picture of the product in question in all it's crimson glory. However, I am currently sat sans maquillage with my hair in a towel and cup of tea beside me so I have opted for one taken of me wearing it on a night out instead: 

FYI this is me with fake tan on, at the moment my skin is about 3 shades lighter.  Eurgh, winter.

MAC Ruby Woo is £13.50 from . Grow up and get yourself a tube.

Monday 30 January 2012

Sleek Luminaire Highlighting Concealer

I never understand why cosmetics brands make concealers with built in brushes. They tend to hinder rather than help with the blending process, waste product and are unhygienic. Unfortunately this offering from Sleek is no exception in any of those areas, but on a brighter note I do quite like the product inside. Here is a very exciting pros and cons list for your reading pleasure (it’s Monday, lists are about as much as my brain can handle right now I’m afraid):

The Good
 It’s dirt cheap at £6.49.
 It is very pigmented and therefore excellent for covering the dreaded under eye circles that plague my every waking moment.
 This is great for contouring. In fact I would be inclined to use it primarily as a highlighter down the centre of my nose and on top of my cheekbones as opposed to a concealer.

Swatched above and blended out beneath
The Bad
Once applied on the skin it dries out really quickly making it difficult to blend. This makes me apprehensive about using it on blemishes.
The stupid goddamn brush.
The packaging is, dare I say it, a leeeetle bit cheap looking. I can’t help it, I like things to look nice and this doesn’t really cut the mustard for me in that respect. 
The Verdict
I like, but don’t love. This may not set my heart a flutter, but on the other hand I wouldn’t break down in a cold sweat if say, I went away on holiday and this was the only concealer I had taken with me. You may scoff at my attempt to put my feelings about this into perspective with a holiday related anecdote but have YOU ever tried shopping for cosmetics in Greece? I rest my case.
Get your hands on this at with £2.95 standard UK delivery.